The Glorious Decadence of the Bacon Sundae

Last week we told you about the best idea since the double down, Burger King's Bacon Sundae, and we promised to try it and let you know how it is.  Consider the promise kept.

There are people up in arms about how bad for you the bacon sundae is, and I'm certainly not going to sit here and try to tell you that it's healthy or something like that.   But let's take a step back and look a little bit closer.

The bacon sundae weighs in at 510 calories, 61 g of sugar and 18 g of fat.  Think that's gross?  What about that large Coke you just ordered that's loaded with 380 calories and 51 g of sugar?  Or your large fries with 500 calories and 22 g of fat?  What about the Double Whopper with twice as many calories, twice as much sodium and three times as much fat as the bacon sundae?

My point is this:  none of this shit is good for you, of course.  But you're a hell of a lot more likely to down a value meal without thinking of it, and that's pushing you toward the grave a lot faster than one or two bacon sundaes.As for the bacon sundae itself, it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect from such an item prepared at Burger King.  Much like the Doritos Locos Tacos, there aren't many surprises here.The worst part of the sundae is the part of it that your eyes go to first.  The large strip of bacon is overcooked and dry, and you can taste the fact that it's been sitting out for a couple of hours/days.  Nobody loves bacon more than me, and even I had trouble getting through that big piece.

This may sound like a tall task, but if you manage to get past that, or ignore it entirely, the rest of the sundae is actually pretty fantastic.  My sundae was loaded with copious amounts of bacon bits, and the soft serve at BK is so much better than you'd expect.  There's about a gallon of chocolate and caramel sauce in there to top it all off.  The mix of sweet and salty is always a solid way to make sure you don't leave craving anything, and unless you have 50 gallon pit for a stomach, this will conquer your craving.


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