Papa John’s has unleashed “Papadias” on humanity - but why?

I’m a huge fan of gimmick food. I was first in line for the KFC Double Down. Burger King’s Bacon Sundae nearly brought me to tears. We went far out of our way on a road trip to get our paws on Doritos Locos Tacos.

The point is that I’m no prude when it comes to crazy culinary treats from fast food joints. Which is why I think it’s fair for me to say that the Papadias from Papa John’s doesn’t make a lick of sense.

Unlike the food stunts of yesteryear, the Papadias are not as crazy as they might seem at first glance. They’re just…a pizza. That’s been folded. Like any other pizza. Unless you’re eating with the mayor of the city with the most pizza shops in the world, in which case this might actually be a novel idea.

Just listen to Shaq sell this thing: ““I can tell you, I couldn’t put down this new menu item that combines everything you love about pizza and sandwiches into one meal.” Big Diesel - I hate to tell you this, but everything you love about pizza and sandwiches is, in this case, exactly the same thing.

For the average sane pizza eater, folding a pizza isn’t worthy of a marketing campaign, it’s just sort of what you do when you eat pizza.

Now don’t get me wrong - they got me. I”m absolutely going to try the Papadias. It will mark the first time I’ve had Papa John’s in a long time, so this will be a successful gimmick, at least for me. My only decision will be whether to go all in for the brand and eat 50 of them in 30 days.

Either way, we’ll report back when we’ve had a chance to try this. Maybe the answer will be more clear to us then.


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