What In God's Name Are These Donuts?



So Cait and I rolled into Dunks this Sunday morning on our way up to New Hampshire.  We were in a bit of a rush, and being on a crash diet for our trip to the Jersey Shore, we tried to ignore the donuts.  But just as we were grabbing our medium ice coffee with a dollop of skim milk and no sugar, I noticed an insane concoction on the bottom right-hand corner of the shelf.One of my biggest regrets at least this week, if not longer, is not being on my game on focusing hard enough to dig deeper and figure out that the hell these insane dounts from Dunks are.  I have no idea what these are called, nor how long they're going to be there.These things look right up my alley.  Chances are eating one of these is worse for you than three bacon sundaes, and I need to consume them.I've already tweeted at Dunks asking them to help me.  I'll let you know what they say, but in the meantime, please tell me what they are/bring me one of these for breakfast on Saturday morning to put an end to my silly Jersey Shore diet.


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