Cooking Class: Homemade Chips

We don't just go out to restaurants, sometimes we try our hand with cooking at home too.  And since we're learning how to get stuff done at home, we figured it'd be fun to share our experiences with you.When we were at BU, we spent a lot of time at dorm dining halls.  Some were good, others not as much.  And some were just centrally located.  Towers dining hall falls in that third class.Towers dining hall was in the basement of a dorm on Bay State Road, which happened to be at the midpoint dorm between three of our primary dorms, so we naturally ended up spending a lot of time there.  There wasn't much to write home about in the Towers Dining Hall, but there was one thing worth coming back for:  the homemade chips.In the first edition of cooking class, we used a new toy to try to re-create the one thing that made Towers Dining Hall worth going back to. END RESULT:WHAT WE USED: 

  • 3 Thinly Sliced Potatoes
  • Vegetable Oil (About 1/4 inch deep in a big pan, heated to medium heat)
  • Cuisnart Handy Prep 3 Cup Food Processer
  • Salt to taste

Two Chain Restaurants in Two Days is Always a Bad Idea

